Healing Paris / Artists 4 Israel
The Zen Tov Project is proud to coordinate the Healing Paris and Artists 4 Israel initiatives in the Miami area. We send Healing Arts Kits to children in Paris and Israel who are suffering from PTSD after the terror attacks and ongoing conflicts in both places. For further information on how your medical, educational, creative, religious, or other activist or fundraising venue can be involved with this tremendous humanitarian endeavor, please contact us. Absolutely heartwarming. Save a life via the arts today!

Healing Paris

Artists 4 Israel
Healing Paris is reducing the effects of PTSD for Jewish children
in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Cache Bakery terrorist attacks and ongoing struggles in Paris. This is a national fundraiser in support of the Jewish community in Paris. The purpose is to provide critical tools for the emotional empowerment of Parisian Jewish children. Funds are being raised by card sales to provide Healing Arts Kits to Paris, which will be utilized within the Jewish community in order to address and begin to cure the effects of PTSD.
Lauren Perlman, founder of Mummies and Masterpieces, has coordinated the Healing Paris initiative, on behalf of Craig Dershowitz, Executive Director of Artists 4 Israel and Healing Arts Kits.
Artists 4 Israel empowers artists to express their support for the artistic and cultural freedoms of Israel and the nation's right to exist in peace and security. They are an artists' rights group that supports Israel and an Israel advocacy organization inspired by artistic freedom. They partner with the world’s greatest free artists, across all mediums, with a specific focus on contemporary, urban and disruptive arts, to produce beautiful, radical and effective advocacy initiatives.
The Speaker of the Knesset described Artists 4 Israel's mission as: “one of the most creative, innovative and effective Israel advocacy organizations today.” Executive Director Craig Dershowitz has won numerous international awards, and is responsible for the infamous Healing Arts Kits we are sending.

Healing Arts Kits
The Healing Arts Kits are designed by psychiatrists, emergency first responders, art therapists, artists, teachers and parents combining the most recent research and best practices in dance, drama, play and art therapy, combined with the input of caregivers and on- the-ground medical personnel. The Healing Arts Kits are a groundbreaking therapeutic system that is the only chance to slow or stop the onset of new cases of post-traumatic stress disorder in children living through rocket fire, terrorist attacks or other forms of crises. They consist of a series of activities that can soothe and help heal the unseen scars of war and trauma. Each Kit is intuitive to use, either by the child alone, or is heightened by specific, simple instruction for the adult. The items inside are deceptively simple; while seemingly just play, they are specially created by this team to serve all parties affected by the trauma.

The Healing Arts Kits inside the Hatzalah Emergency Medical Kit. Saving lives, mental and physical.
The Healing Paris/Artists 4 Israel endeavor in the Miami area was featured in 5 Miami newspapers. Click on image to read the article.
Artists 4 Israel's Video played at AIPAC 2015

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